Follow the trails
October 1, 2024
Here’s your nudge to get outside. The second annual Great Trails State Day takes place October 19, and it’s easy to find the right trail for you.
by Sharon Smith
With fall colors and cooler temps greeting each walker, runner, cyclist and nature-seeker, there’s no better time to start exploring.
Great Trails State Day is your official invitation to celebrate the state’s trail network with events taking place statewide. There’s a Pottery Pinecone Hunt with creations from Seagrove potter Crystal King dotted along the trails in Moore County. Sign up remotely to join the 2000 Mile Challenge by hiking, biking or paddling.
Or, explore closer to your own backyard. Mecklenburg County has 400 miles of trail across greenways, parks and nature preserves.
Knowing where to go can be the tricky part. The county’s Park and Recreation website is your friend with a detailed listing of 17 greenways and things to do at each one.
If you seek a nature-inspired road trip, The Great Trails State website shows where to find scenic trails from the
mountains to the coast.
And if this year doesn’t work out, don’t sweat it. Great Trails State Day falls on the third Saturday of October each year. Consider it an open invitation. SP
For more information:
Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation
The Great Trails State
Photographs courtesy The Great Trails State Coalition